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 PK AoT Tournament 4 Open Sign-Ups Open!

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PK AoT Tournament 4 Open Sign-Ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: PK AoT Tournament 4 Open Sign-Ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament 4 Open Sign-Ups Open! I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 20, 2014 7:59 am

PK AoT Tournament 4 Open Sign-Ups Open! Pkaot4_zpsc127055c
PK AoT Tournament 4 Open Sign-Ups Open!

On behalf of the PK community, we are thrilled to present PK AoT Tournament 4 and release the Sign-Ups! This event is an open tournament without any necessary qualifications. Only a Voobly account will be required; 40 selected applicants will be seeded for the group stage on March 30, 2014.

Application Format
It's Important! Before Applying Read ALL tournament rules.

Quote :
A)Voobly User Name
B)Agreement to the Tournament Rules
C)Other Information (Optional)

Enter the above information in a post to this topic @ only.

If you wish to add to the current pot, please contact [PK]Chicks at

Quote :
PK AoT Tournament 4
1. Tournament Staff
A. Chicks (Admin)
B. Clown
C. Jollyman
D. 7upSL
E. Mirez

2. Stages
A. Group Stage
The tournament will begin with the division of the 40 accepted applicants into 8 groups that will consist of 5 players apiece. Each player will play the other members of their group once in a round robin format. This means that each player will play 4 games at this stage. Players will earn 3 points for a win and 1 point for a loss. The top two seeds of each of the 8 groups will advance to the bracket stage whereby 16 players will be left standing.
B. Bracket Stage
These 16 competitors will form a single elimination bracket. This stage will consist of a best-of-3 16-player round. 8 players will advance to the Quarter-Final.
E. Quarter Finals Stage
The Quarter-Finals will consist of 4 best-of-3 single elimination quarter-final matches. 4 people will advance.
F. Semi-Finals Stage
There will be 2 best-of-3 semi-final matches. The two outstanding players will advance to the final stage. The two players seeded out of this stage will proceed in a best-of-5 3rd place series.
G. Final Stage
The final stage will consist of a best-of-5 series between the 2 remaining players.

3. Game Play
A. It is compulsory for all tournament matches to be rated, recorded, and played on the "random map" setting.
B. Observers are not permitted unless authorized by the tournament staff for the purpose of commentary or streaming.
D. Should a recorded game be invalid due to having multiple observers, the stream of the game will be considered a valid point of reference.
C. It is mandatory for each match to be documented with a recorded game or the relevant stream in the designated PK AoT Tournament 4 recorded game forum.
D. In the event of a dispute or a level of deliberation that is determined by the tournament staff to be excessively indecisive, players will be forced to choose random civilization. Should this proceeding go through, record will be kept on the (two) players in dispute for the following matches and throughout the event.
E. During the Quarter-Final, Semi-Final and Final stages, players are not permitted to leave the series early or to exit any game in the series prematurely. It is therefore obligatory to finish the entire series to qualify for the tournament's monetary prizes.
F. If at any time a player was disqualified, said participant will not qualify for any of the tournament's monetary prizes.
G. All participants are responsible to read the rules and updates as the event progresses. Tournament staff reserve the right to update, edit, add rules at anytime during or before the event.

3.5. Civilization Restrictions
A. None

4. Disconnections
A. If a disconnection occurs before two (2) minutes of any match, the match may be restarted if both players agree to do so, otherwise upon tournament staff approval.
B. After two (2) minutes of a match, the player who disconnects may resign or request a review by the tournament staff who may then award the match or authorize a restart.
C. If a player repeatedly disconnects from games, a record will be kept on these participants. The tournament staff may also warn or disqualify the player in question from the event.
D. If at any time that a game disconnects, the restarted match must be played by the same civilizations unless both players agree to change.

4.5. Match Restarts (Vetoes)
A. None

5. Streaming
A. Only the authorized streamers that have been authorized by the tournament staff as per section 5.5 are permitted to stream matches.
B. During each stage of the tournament, these authorized streamers will select matches for the purpose of streaming and post these selections in the tournament's scheduling forum.
C. The players in these selected matches are required to check if their matches have been selected to be streamed and to then schedule their matches with the authorized streamers and their opponents.
D. If a match that was selected to be streamed is completed but not streamed, the completed match will be deemed invalid. No points will be awarded unless specified by a member of the tournament staff.
E. All streamed games must have a time delay of 2 minutes, unless otherwise authorized by the tournament staff.
F. If a game delay issue prevents the selected match from being streamed, the staff reserves the right to have the match rescheduled within the deadline of that stage of the tournament. The tournament staff reserves the right to extend the deadline of the match if deemed appropriate.
G. If an issue occurs with regard to multiple streamers, we require that at least one streamer be able to cast the match in question. Under no circumstances should a selected match not be streamed.
H. It is not permitted for streamed games to have more than 2 observers.

5.5. Authorized Streamers
A. Clown
B. Chicks
C. 7upSL
D. Demonoid

6. Scheduling
A. Posts made in the scheduling forum will be the only reference point for scheduling. Screen shots and messages from external means of communication such as email, Voobly, or Skype will not be valid.
B. If an authorized streamer or tournament participant is not present within 20 minutes of the agreed time for scheduling, the present streamers or players may request a "no show" claim in the relevant scheduling forum topic. The tournament staff reserves the right to review these claims and issue a warning or disqualification to the player or streamer in question. In the event of a player being disqualified, the opponent will be awarded an admin win.
C. If a player has not played the matches allocated to them and fails to schedule with his opponent(s) as per section 6.A, the player in question will be issued an admin loss at the end of the stage.
D. All posts made in the scheduling forum must be be written in English.

7. Disqualifications
A. If a player suspects that his opponent has an unfair advantage or has installed an external modification that allows his opponent to exploit the game through cheating, hacking, map visibility, or trainers, the player is to finish the game and submit the game for review by the tournament staff. If the tournament staff finds the accused individual to be guilty of cheating, the cheater will be disqualified from the tournament.
B. The "hunt delete" exploit is not permitted and will lead to immediate disqualification.
C. The registered account name must be the main account of its owner for proper seeding. Only the sole owner of that registered account name is permitted to use the account to complete tournament matches. The tournament staff reserves the right to issue a warning or immediately disqualify players who tamper with their usernames.
D. Should a tournament participant be deemed uncooperative in the event by the tournament staff, the participant will be issued a warning or direct disqualification.

8. Commencement Dates
A. The tournament staff will start the tournament on March 30, 2014.
B. Players will have 10 days to schedule during the group stage.
C. In all bracket stages, participants will have 7 days to schedule.

9. Prizes
At the conclusion of the tournament, the following prizes will be granted:
a) 1st Place will receive 70% of the cash pot and a 6 month Voobly Gold membership
b) 2nd Place will receive 20% of the cash pot and a 3 Month Voobly Gold membership
c) 3rd Place will receive 10% of the cash pot and a 3 Month Voobly Silver membership

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