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 PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!

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PostSubject: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 7:41 am

PK AoT Tournament II
Organized by the Professional Killers clan

We are pleased to announce the organization of a second AoT tournament that will henceforth be known as "AoT Tournament II." We wish to invite all the competitors from last time to join this tournament and be a continuing part of our competitions. Because only 32 applicants will be accepted, you are invited to apply as soon as you can before all available tournament seeds are taken. In order to join the tournament, registrants are asked to submit the following information in a reply to this topic on the PK forum at

Voobly Profile Link:
Civ Choice in Dispute:
Agreement to Rules:

Quote :
Tournament rules
1. Tournament Staff
A. The tournament staff will consist of {PK}Chicks and {PK}Clown.

2.Commencement Date
A. The tournament's group stage will commence on November 3, 2012.

A. The tournament will consist of a group stage followed by a single elimination bracket.
B. Group Stage I: The group stage will consist of 8 round-robin groups with 4 players in each group. Each player will then play 3 best-of-3 matches against the 3 other members of his group.
C. Bracket Stage II: The top two seeds of each group will enter the first stage of the single elimination bracket, the round-of-16, where each player will then play a best-of-5 against an opponent determined by seeding and which group the players advanced from. The winners of each best-of-5 round-of-16 match will advance to the quarterfinals.
D. Quarter-Final Stage III: The quarterfinals will consist of 4 best-of-5 matches between the 8 remaining competitors. The winners of each best-of-5 quarterfinal match will advance to the semi-finals.
E. Semi-Final Stage IV: The semi-finals will consist of 2 best-of-5 matches between the 4 remaining competitors. The winners of each best-of-5 semi-final match will advance to the final match whereas the defeated players will advance to the 3rd-place match. F. Final Stage V: The finals will consist of a best-of-7 tournament final between the two semi-final winners and a best-of-5 3rd-place match between the two players who were defeated in the semi-finals. The winner of the tournament final will earn the first-place prize, the defeated player in the tournament final will earn the second-place prize, and the winner of the 3rd-place match will earn the 3rd-place prize.

A. Group Stage I: Players will play their group matches in their desired order.
B. Bracket Stage II: A1 vs. B2, A2 vs. H1, B1 vs. C2, C1 vs. H2, D1 vs. E2, D2 vs. E1, F1 vs. G2, and F2 vs. G1.
C. Quarter-Final Stage III: The winners of (A1,B2) will play (A2,H1); (B1,C2) will play (C1,H2); (D1,E2) will play (D2,E1); and (F1,G2) will play (F2,G1).
D. Semi-Final Stage IV: Winner of (A1,B2,A2,H1) will play (B1,C2,C1,H2), (D1,E2,D2,E1) will play (F1,G2,F2,G1).
E. Final Stage V: Winner of (A1,B2,A2,H1,B1,C2,C1,H2) will play (D1,E2,D2,E1,F1,G2,F2,G1).

5.Game Play
A. All games are expected to be recorded. We expect players to then post the recorded games in the designated AoT Tournament II recorded game forum on the PK website.
B. If a bug is identified or a disconnection occurs in the first three (3) minutes of a game, a game may be restarted if both players agree to do so or upon authorization by the tournament staff.
C. If a disconnection occurs later on in the game, the tournament staff will reserve the right to award a victory to the player that is determined to be winning at the discretion of the tournament staff. Otherwise, in the absence of an evident conclusion, the tournament staff may call for the replay of the game in question whereby the game in which the disconnection occurred is then nullified.
D. God choice: Players will be allowed to pick whatever god they prefer. However, in the event of a dispute, the tournament staff will reserve the right to request that the players in question select a civilization that the player selected as their "civilization choice in dispute."
E. Map choice: All games are expected to be played on Random Map.

A. In the event that there is reason to believe that your opponent has an unfair external advantage such as, but not excluded to, map visibility cheats or external trainers whereby the competitive integrity of a match is undermined, we would ask you, as a tournament registrant, to finish the game in question and to then submit evidence of the unfair advantage to the tournament staff. In a case where a registrant is determined to have deliberately cheated, the person will be disqualified from the tournament and if possible, reported to the appropriate authorities.
B. In the event that hunt deleting is used, disqualification will result.
C. If a player repeatedly disconnects from games, disqualification will be considered.
D. Accounts used in the tournament must be used by the person who is sole owner of that account and must be the main account of the registrant. Tempering with this rule will result in an immediate disqualification.

7.Pot & Prizes
A. At the conclusion of the tournament, the following Voobly prizes will be awarded to the following individuals:
3 months of gold membership to the 1st place player.
1 month of gold to the 2nd place player.
1 month of silver membership to the 3rd place player.
B. We welcome all contributions to the tournament pot.

Last edited by {PK}Clown on Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:23 pm; edited 5 times in total
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favorite game : LoL
Scorpio Rat
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PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: Re: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2012 4:36 pm

thx to have post here ^^
i ve signed up
maybe someone else will want to idk xD
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Join date : 2012-09-25

PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: Re: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 23, 2012 10:04 am

By all means, sir, please invite your clanmates to join our tournament.
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favorite game : LoL
Scorpio Rat
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PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: Re: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 23, 2012 11:57 am

Okay i ll do it tomorrow afternoon Wink
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PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: Re: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2012 8:34 pm

As a reminder to anyone in Sky, the tournament is ongoing. Please double check your scheduling.
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favorite game : LoL
Scorpio Rat
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Join date : 2011-07-29
Age : 27
Location : paris

PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: Re: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 11, 2012 4:43 pm

i will thx
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PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! Empty
PostSubject: Re: PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open!   PK AoT Tournament II Sign-ups Open! I_icon_minitime

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