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 someone help me out with my thor vs isis...

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someone help me out with my thor vs isis... Empty
PostSubject: someone help me out with my thor vs isis...   someone help me out with my thor vs isis... I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2012 7:05 am

this guy straight owned me and i just have such a hard time vs eggys...especially ra. can someone give me some advice. did i lose mostly because i prepared from him to fh and it screwed me?

heres the rec please come with the tips!! sunshine or berserker... or anyone who can help

heres the rec.
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someone help me out with my thor vs isis... Empty
PostSubject: Re: someone help me out with my thor vs isis...   someone help me out with my thor vs isis... I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 09, 2012 2:47 pm

I ll look at it wednesday
maybe post on rts could be good too if u want
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someone help me out with my thor vs isis... Empty
PostSubject: Re: someone help me out with my thor vs isis...   someone help me out with my thor vs isis... I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 10, 2012 1:21 am

game on savanna:
you played it wrong. you can't advance at 6+ mins and expect to win... Up relatively early, before 5 mins, and knock the isis off of hunt first. no hunt = early farms = gold mine runs out faster + later heroic time. You gotta scout better with your ulfsark. On this map, isis can be gold starved pretty easily. If you advance earlier and get the pressure on early, he wouldn't have been able to take that tc -> game would have been completely different. Wall him in his base. you'll notice that this map was WAY easy to wall. Wall him in so he has to build his migdol inside his base, or if he cf's he has to fight to get out (eggy rax units take forever to kill buildings/walls). If he fh's, gold starve him easily with tons of walls and try to force defensive a/e. If he cf's, wall like crazy and use all that hunt + op micro to beat him and gold starve.

few random things in this game: pay more attention to your raiders, you could have killed lots of vills that were on those berries, then you could have gotten some nice kills on that gold mine too. Gotta be smart with how you position your raiders and such.
and also spend your resources faster on eco and military upgrades.

2nd game:
it said it's invalid.
but on alfheim, lots of walls and lots of jarls
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Libra Tiger
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someone help me out with my thor vs isis... Empty
PostSubject: Re: someone help me out with my thor vs isis...   someone help me out with my thor vs isis... I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 8:46 pm

I face the tricks to getting a nice eggy over geld geld isis, if you want my help on to Voobly!!
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favorite game : AoM
Libra Tiger
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someone help me out with my thor vs isis... Empty
PostSubject: Re: someone help me out with my thor vs isis...   someone help me out with my thor vs isis... I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 28, 2012 9:05 pm

Your game thor vs isis was suicide why you did the temple near your tc main army and did so in this classic game you suicide
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PostSubject: Re: someone help me out with my thor vs isis...   someone help me out with my thor vs isis... I_icon_minitime

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someone help me out with my thor vs isis...
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