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 Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[

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Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Empty
PostSubject: Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[   Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 11:12 am

Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys

If there is a civilisation who has been hate in the base game ,it is the eggy.To resum them we just could say "lol Set OP OP Op' , " FH Ra easyyy" , and " A+E lame isis".Old players will understand fast what i m talking about and for the other dont worry i ll make the translation now!

Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Seth

In 2003 the god considered the most powerful (OP, Over Powered) was Seth through his bonus animals. God normal during the first weeks, the patches 1.03 and 1.05 gave him a whole new dimension in the game Seth can convert wild animals with his priests that he uses to scout the map and to defend itself in the early game. In 2003 the majority of the top players were playing Seth because of those bonuses and were invincible in  early game, especially on a high hunt map which offered powerful units like elephants. The Scout animals allowed to explore the entire map which is essential since, unlike games like Starcraft, map and resources are random and it is important to know where the spots for hunting and gold mines are. On top of that divine power base of Seth's "Vision" which allows him to reveal a portion of the map to send her priest on the wildlife of the open area.

At the age 2 those animals were used to defend himself easily by adding at worst a few units for additional security. Ideal also to attack and put pressure on the opponent who has no animals available free! The opponent was losing all control of the map which resulted in most cases by the inability to hunt (best food source of the game) and take another gold mine when the mine was off . Another bonus allows him to build midgols for 300 gold while Isis and Ra ones cost 400. Ideal to protect an area quickly and then produce a powerful army.

But the real problem was that the animals were too strong and too fast to convert and the set player could literally get a small zoo saw that Pharaoh could also create animal units in exchange for some favors. These animals, combined with automatic towers attack at age 2 and base units made Set cheap incredibly powerful. not immortal, but well more powerful than other gods.
At the age 3 player Seth had mostly power "Ancestors" and could make a forum and start dating tricks seats to put pressure on the opponent.

ES been slow to react and it will take several patches balancing to finally "kill" Set and his animals. But see in detail the various changes with the rise of Seth and his fall.

This is the patch 1.03 (end of January 2003) who will made Set OP:

• Animals of Set cost 1 less pop slot.
• Heroes no longer get bonus damage vs. animals of Set.
• Set's Slingers have more hitpoints.

With animals taking up less space in the population (and therefore more place for other military units), more resistant to the heros and slingers with more hit points to complete the combo was that Set began his domination. I must say that at that time it was mostly the gods like Ra, Poseidon or Loki who had the attention of players. Patch 1.05 (April 15, 2003) also added other improvements to the Egyptian gods and so to Set:

• War Elephant attack (+2) and hack armor (+5%) increased.
• Priest does more bonus damage (+2) versus Myth Units.

Given the damage done by Set in multiplayer mode ES had to react and began to react with patch 1.06 (May 28, 2003) which hit the animal head-:

• Set animals do less damage to buildings.
• Set animals take longer to convert.
• Set's bonus now grants only +10% hitpoints to Slingers (was +20%).
• Feral now improves animal attack by +25% (was +50%).

At that time Set was still strong and the animals were still very useful. Concluding the nerve with the 1.07 patch a few months later (September) that spelled the end of the animals and so the era of Set:

• All huntable animals converted by Set priests now have their damage reduced by 40%.
• Rhino, Auroch, Elephant, Hyena, Ape, Gazelle and Boar of Set, when summoned or converted now all cost 1 more pop slot.
• All the huntable Set creatures had their hitpoints reduced.
• Ape of Set costs 1 more favor.
• Siege tower hitpoints reduced by 50.

It must be said that ES had to put the package to end the dominance of Set with changes in several areas (less attack, fewer hit points, more cost population, etc.). Nobody wept over the fate of Seth since he was yet at that time the god most hated and that players were tired of meeting Set in most parts ...

For the record (personal) it is because of Set that I got to rise above 1700 on ESO first time. Odin and Thor player I couldnt get more than 1650/1670 but after I took Set and i got quickly 1720 + with several nicknames! If it is not the ultimate proof that Set was too powerful I do not know what you need! Wink

Today Set is still playable but the animals are no longer recesses and very strong considering that Ra and Isis are than for economic or military.

Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Ra

Now let s go to Ra who did not have animals but another strong weapon, the FH or Fast Heroic. That fast transition at age 3 who unlock the midgol and powerful units such as camels, chariot archers, elephants and siege weapons. Midgol units are also faster and have more hit points than those of Isis and Seth. Ra was the god first OP, before Seth, and will be nerfed pretty quickly.

For this FH,Ra used a very special technique with farms at the base of the game farms are the resource of food with the least good harvest but the divine power "Rain" Ra allows him to quickly harvest farms within a certain period and quickly reach the 800 food necessary for the transition at age 3. Reached age 3 player Ra had thus protected farms in its database and the powerful units midgol. Added to this cheaper monuments which still allowed the players to accumulate Ra favor and get out many mythological units.

This rapid shift also offered to the player the opportunity to make the siege towers to pressure by destroying military buildings while the opponent had only basic units to destroy midgols.

The fact remains that despite his nice bonus was not overpowered Ra (especially after the nerve of patch 1.03) on all cards compared to Seth for example. Even if his "Rain" allowed him a FH fast as it deprived him of part of the hunt which was a pity about the hole cards as seen for example water harvesting rates. Remaining folded in the first minutes the player Ra also forsook the map control, the opposite of Seth and we know how the map control is important in a strategy game. This required him to be very effective thereafter and in particular to take another gold mine.

Another "problem" for this strategy is the water boards. A normal strategy was to fight for the sea which usually involves a very rapid at age 2 that goes against the grain of FH with the farms. Unlike Seth, and Isis, Ra has always been lacking, but could be extremely high depending on the card and the god in the face. Let's reviewed the various changes that have affected Ra.

In patch 1.03 (28 January 2003, just weeks after leaving the game) Ra was hit hard:

• Ra’s Chariots and Camelry have a smaller hitpoint bonus.
• Ra’s Priests now empower gathering less than Pharaohs empower gathering.
• Mercenary Cavalry pierce and hack armor decreased.
• Build limits (max number you can have at one time) imposed on Mercenary (12) and Mercenary Cavalry (Cool.
• Mercenary and Mercenary Cavalry lifespans are 5 seconds shorter.
• Heavy Chariot, Camel and Elephant improvements are more expensive.
• Chariot speed decreased (Ra's are still faster, but less fast than they were).

After that he will not receive more than a few small boosts with the patch 1.05 (April 15, 2003) which helps a bit the Egyptians and the 1.07 patch (September 29, 2003) that improves the priests:

• Ra priests now have a 5% empowerment boost when empowering villagers gathering resources.

FH is now the preferred technique of Ra players but as mentioned above is not as powerful at the very beginning of AOM and is weak on some maps.

Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Isis

Ahhhhhhhh Isis. Even more than Seth, especially nowadays, she is the god most hated and this for a reason: A + E, Lame, FH .Like Ra , she is known for her FH but it has many advantages that make it even more powerful .

Its improvements are already economically cheaper allowing her to have a stronger economy faster. Then her power "Prosperity" allows her to boost her harvest gold and gold is just the resource base for the Egyptians! With this golden harvest she could easily get a second two midgols , those powerful warships that fire arrows and can produce better units. It should be noted also that her obelisks are cheaper and that her priest has a unique role (unlike that of Seth that converts animal and t .and  Ra s one who must boost crop) in the early game: obelisks on plant to explore the map and have the vision on the map. Another "detail" in the panoply of Isis, monuments which protects by preventing the opponent to use divine powers to close!

All this would not be a real problem if she did not have access to the most devastating combo (or at least one of the most devastating) and the most hated of the game, the A + E or in other words the power Ancestors + Eclipse. Ancestors used to invoke mythological units to attack / defend, so they are free and powerful units. Eclipse prevents the use of all other powers (such as Cease-Fire Weapon or Flaming example, impossible to counter the ancestors) and boosts the mythological units.

By clicking on two buttons Isis therefore has a free mini army photographed on steroids almost devastating everything in its path. And during that time the player may put quietly midgols and create his army while the opponent has only two solutions: Facing the ancestors and inevitably lose many units (and therefore resources) or run away to save his units. Whatever the choice, Isis wins. And it is this strategy that makes Isis a god "lame" considered as the strongest of the game or one of the strongest. I will stress that expression of "lame" in another article, but to summarize crudely it is the act of using elements not very fair play of the game and abusing an imbalance of the game.

Yet from the patch 1.02 (December 18, 2002) ES nerfed power Ancestors reducing their hit points:

• Isis Obelisks now cost 10 Gold instead of 5 Gold. This should prevent Isis from making quite so many Obelisks.
• Egyptian Barracks now cost 75 Gold instead of 50 Gold. This will prevent Egyptians from making quite so many Barracks.
• Ancestors now have 140 hitpoints instead of 180 hitpoints. This makes the God Power a bit weaker, but will also affect Mummy Minions.

I have not experienced this era but that there must be something in multiplayer seen the power of the ancestors ... There was also a change on the obelisks with the price increased from 5 to 10 of gold. And like other Egyptian gods, Isis barracks cost a bit more expensive now.

After that Isis has benefited, or suffered, changes to the Egyptians in general (read chapters of Seth / Ra) but has not been covered by a patch unlike Seth and Ra.

Those three Egyptians gods were thus marked the game with their power and made rage all players in the world. Well ... those who were playing Greek or Norse of course Wink While other gods have known the time of their "glory", and I think including Atlanteans to be discussed in a later section, the Egyptians will go down in history as AOM the most powerful and boring!

Last edited by darkrizen on Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:55 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[   Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 20, 2012 7:49 pm

Seth was the tits when AoM first came out... miss him Sad hes kind of weak now haha
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Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[   Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 22, 2012 1:39 pm

this translation is end Smile
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Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[   Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 22, 2012 2:06 pm

ahhhh very good read Very Happy

Thank you SO much, skywalker! Makes me very nostalgic and jealous to hear of the very beginning of the multiplayer game ^^. I only missed it by a few years.... but those few years appear very nice ^^.
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PostSubject: Re: Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[   Set OP, FH Râ and Lame Isis : they are mad those eggys[ I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 22, 2012 3:24 pm

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