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 Ask for a Strategy..

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Scorpio Rat
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PostSubject: Re: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 1:03 pm

Build on the middle of the map and be agressive he wont be able to attack your base
and walls a few
try to secure 2nd gold mine and 1-2tc on the map middle
but vs possy u should build on base and raid with raiding cavs because he ll raid you
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Aries Pig
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PostSubject: Re: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2012 8:35 am

First Thank you for the quick answers Smile
I'm asking about greek classical fight ( I meant hop/tox at classical age, little misunderstanding ), not rlly booming in fact Wink because what rlly screws me is when the opponent goes full hop/tox at classical, my army can't counter him because of greeks'soldiers OPiness , if my army's dead he takes out my tc, and if I just stay on my base ill end up goldblocked :/
sky : I'll try, but I generally avoid building outside my base against greek opponent, my base is unprotected and I might lose if we both go cf :/
What's '' hermit '' ? o_o
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Virgo Cat
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PostSubject: Re: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 4:07 pm

they key is always raiding, if they hermit and boom you must out boom them, but make sure if they hermit you can try to raid or cut off supplies, steal a TC whatever you can to gain a 1 up... eco upgrades are key in boom wars. with loki you can get nidhogg and use it to distract army, he will try to kill it and move it while your army kills his, then use it to raid Razz Nidhogg raid is OP!!!! bounce
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favorite game : LoL
Scorpio Rat
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PostSubject: Re: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 11:49 am

BleH wrote:
Yo, do you know what strategy would be the best to counter greek classical hop/tox spamm ( which is pretty efficient at goldblocking me on early game ) as Loki ? I've been asking this to a lot of pple, and none of them could rlly answer me.
play it with an odin style Smile
go on the middle of the map
Do 2-3barracks
a lot of raiding cavs
big raid on his vills
then go heroique and destroy him Smile
this how i do vs hades
vs possy i full ulf +cavs and then uskarl jarls
vs zeus i just loose :p
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Aries Pig
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PostSubject: Re: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 10, 2012 10:48 am

Yo, do you know what strategy would be the best to counter greek classical hop/tox spamm ( which is pretty efficient at goldblocking me on early game ) as Loki ? I've been asking this to a lot of pple, and none of them could rlly answer me.
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favorite game : AoT
Virgo Cat
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Age : 36
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PostSubject: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2012 4:07 pm

i have a pretty nice collection of strats for mostly all gods, even though i free ball it when in game. i used a lot of these strats and mold them to how they fit me best Smile

please post a strat you would possibly like or say a some what detailed message to let me know and i will attempt to make a Topic with the strat for you Smile if i know a good strat your asking for anyways.

Request Example:

God: Kronos
Strat Requested: The Krush
Current Rate w/God Requested: 1730-
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PostSubject: Re: Ask for a Strategy..   Ask for a Strategy.. I_icon_minitime

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