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 A hope for AoM 2?

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Scorpio Rat
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A hope for AoM 2? Empty
PostSubject: A hope for AoM 2?   A hope for AoM 2? I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 12:06 pm

A hope for AoM 2?

In plunging me into the world of Age of Mythology to make that folder I have not been able to stop thinking about a suite for the game and how an Age of Mythology 2 would be great. So is that possible or is this it will remain a dream? Let's see it closer!

Before leaving in delusions or start dreaming I warn you right away, an AOM 2 is unlikely to emerge in the near future and if this were the case there would be something to be pessimistic. Yes I know it breaks the atmosphere directly but hey I would not expect to see you hope too, because the return to reality would be brutal. Finally we are never safe from a nice surprise either!

It would be quite possible yes. Not only does Microsoft still holds the license and the brand but also AOM has sold several million at the time and AOE3 had also been a success a few years later. One day landing an AOM 2 is not the order of the impossible because publishers often like to recycle rather than licensing out new products, it allows them to ensure the shot with minimal risk.

Neverthelessthere is a few chance to happen in the short term in the years ahead. The first reason is that a new Age of came out in August 2011: Age of Empires Online. The game developed by Robot Entertainment (ex-members of Ensemble Studios) and then by Gas Powered Games is a mix between pure strategy and "MMORPG" with elements that evolve online. It was published by Microsoft and of course is played via the Games for Windows - Live, proof that Microsoft is still interested in the Age of license.

A hope for AoM 2? RTEmagicC_aoeo_01.jpg

At this date I do not know at all if this new album was a success because it uses an economic model rather special because the basic game is free but you must go to the checkout to unlock civilizations / options. If this game works well it might give ideas to the series of Microsoft Age of why not with the development of a suite for AOM or Age of Empires with AOE4. Difficult to predict this kind of thing but we have the right to expect! However if the game flopped and did not gather enough profits that could be very bad for the rest of the series with Age of leaders who think that the series is not enough known and no longer has enough fans. This would obviously not the style RTS / MMORPG game kit that would be involved had their way of thinking ... but hey go

Does a AOM or 2 would be awesome? Hmm ...

It could be great but honestly I have very big doubts. If an AOM 2 was announced I would be very happy but also very worried! I'm probably too pessimistic, placing the first AOM or on a pedestal while it is far from perfect, but new games these days do not inspire me confidence ....

Already Ensemble Studios, which is the source of AOM and other Age of, no longer exists. So by keeping the same principle it would necessarily be another studio with other leaders / developers who would take care of the game. Unless Microsoft says the Robot Entertainment to work, the studio founded by Tony Goodman (ex-boss ES) who has hired many former employees that I mentioned a little earlier. This would be the most capable studio has developed since Age of Empires Online and may have kept key people who have already worked on other Age of. But even then we must admit that would be far from the old development teams ...

Then the evolution of PC gaming and the different business models are enough to scare these days. Today we must reach as many players to take the least risk and limit losses in case of failure, impossible for developers to apply to only a small niche player with a style and gameplay as before. If you look at the evolution of Age of even ES already followed the way of simplifying the creation of units (no line of production, then a queue and self-tail) or other elements of gameplay so you can imagine today? Even Blizzard has kept pace with StarCraft 2 by offering an easier game to take charge without limitation at the interface in particular. The game is very complex and is very popular but many former players were unappreciated.

It is almost certain that the gameplay would be reviewed (just see it completely) and that some elements of the original game are maintained. That would be a big concern since the players who experienced AOM like a suite with more civilizations, more content, etc. but not a different style.

For the model of economic and market there would surely also surprises. To prevent piracy (and well p*** off their customers) publishers love the DRM and it would not be surprising to have to play on such a platform GfWL and stay permanently connected to the internet even for the campaign, much like StraCraft 2 with Battle . net for example. For the economic model could fear a game like AOE: Online kit with Paid modes of civilizations or missing, in short everything that should not be a strategy game.

Have a real strategy game without DLC / DRM (paid content, protection of all kinds) worthy of the name would be a miracle in my opinion. The strategy game is no longer king on PC for a long time even though we can see that the good games like StarCraft 2 meet with success but know why you have to invest lots of money and time and make a good game Not sure Microsoft wants to get in there, taking a title "AAA" (big-budget and quality) for this kind there.

What would AOM 2 look then?

Finally try to dream a little, we are able no? So for me the game would already take over all bases of his big brother in terms of gameplay the passage of ages and the same dynamic of play at No simplification of the economy that must remain very important with the creation of the villagers and harvest various resources (food, timber, gold and favor).

A hope for AoM 2? RTEmagicC_aom2-dieux.jpg
12gods is good...21 or 24 would be better no?

Content side should resume the four civilizations (Greeks, Egyptians, Norse, Atlanteans) and add new ones. Although they are less known I think there plenty to do with the mythology of the Mayas, Incas and Aztecs.

A hope for AoM 2? RTEmagicC_viracocha-inca.jpg
viracocha,the inca s zeus

A hope for AoM 2? RTEmagicC_quetzalcoatl-aztec.jpg
quetzalcoatl at the aztecs

Then there are the mythologies of Asia next to China and Japan without relying on African mythology. So there would be a lot of possibilities even if these new gods are less well known that Zeus, Isis or Thor to the general public.

A hope for AoM 2? RTEmagicC_amaterasu-japan.jpg
Amaterasu, god of the sun in Japanese mythology

Side of the cards should again resume those of AOM and TT and add new ones to offer a even wider choice. But it's not really a priority, it would be a bonus. Against should be removed certain things introduced by the titans as The Titans (or make them much weaker), the ports that can attack and especially the AQ ...

You will understand, I personally hope a smooth evolution rather than revolution. It should be modern graphics, the same basis with some civilizations in addition, some minor and I would be filled. In short we have every right to dream of a suite but I think the reality is pretty brutal if this game was announced.

Last edited by darkrizen on Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Virgo Cat
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A hope for AoM 2? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A hope for AoM 2?   A hope for AoM 2? I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 28, 2012 7:53 pm

that would be sick, i remember we had hopes of another AoM long ago Sad
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A hope for AoM 2? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A hope for AoM 2?   A hope for AoM 2? I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 29, 2012 12:31 am

They will have to remove atlantean Smile
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favorite game : AoT
Virgo Cat
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A hope for AoM 2? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A hope for AoM 2?   A hope for AoM 2? I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 29, 2012 7:19 am

no no ! haha
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A hope for AoM 2? Empty
PostSubject: Re: A hope for AoM 2?   A hope for AoM 2? I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 29, 2012 8:36 am

Oh hell ya Very Happy.
Atty are too different of a genre to survive aom2, imo geek
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PostSubject: Re: A hope for AoM 2?   A hope for AoM 2? I_icon_minitime

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