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 Wait,evaluation and sell

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Scorpio Rat
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Wait,evaluation and sell Empty
PostSubject: Wait,evaluation and sell   Wait,evaluation and sell I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 11:47 am

Wait,evaluation and sell

Like we saw in the artcile "the born of AOM' the sell were fast more than 1 million and a lot of players were waiting the game. But what was their reactions?what were the opinions of the video games websites and pro?did the game knew a commercial succes? I will try to answer to those questions in this article.


Begin with the easier and the evaluations from pro of the video game industry.As you know every game is noted by people and special website.AoM has been loved by those people/website like he has very good critiques and notes:

Wait,evaluation and sell Reviews-liste-aom-heaven
notes from website about AOM

As you can see on AoM Heaven who has a lot of tests,note are very positive and turn around 9/10,more than 90% or 4/5.Well the game has never been consider has a very amazing game but we can see he is in the list of very good game of this time.Ensemble Studio hasnt fail with this new "Age of".Same for the expension The Titan one year after:

Wait,evaluation and sell Reviews-liste-tt-heaven
notes from website about AOT

Wait and opinion from player

The brand "Age of" was one of the best known and appreciated at the time by the players and the wait was so huge for the fans. Obviously every player expected something different. The fan of Age of Empires II hoped a true "suite" of his game, others wanted to see a revolution in gameplay and many novelties. Still others, like me, had never played an "Age of" but knew the reputation of the series and wanted to finally dive into this world "Age of" to discover the joys of strategy games.

Since everyone has an opinion so I will not spend too much time on this chapter but simply point out some things.

If the game attracted many new players it was far from unanimous among players AOE II. If AOM is a true "Age of" style and gameplay are still different from its big brother. Passages age faster and thus shorter games, a reduced military population, the divine powers that can easily change the course of a game, very very different civilizations that have caused a rather flagrant imbalance in the output, a population limited to 115 to the base, etc..
If some of these players have appreciated these differences or adjustments, it was not the case with many who were very disappointed by this change in gameplay. They hoped for the most part an Age of Empires II sauce mythological, ie with different units and some small adjustment, not a different pace and gameplay.

AOM will have created much discussion and endless debates between fans "Age of" what has contributed greatly to divide a previously united community. Normally when "more" community migrates out above since this result is generally more beautiful, more interesting, long, short ... better. But AOE II is such a monument that was not the case in 2012 and still this game has thousands of active players online while AOM do more than a few hundred at best. We also discuss this in another article.

To close this short chapter we can say that for some players "Age of" disappointment was at the height of expectation immense.

The sell

To end this article now turn to the sell of the game Age of Mythology and his add-on The Titans. The first number was seen after 4 months of sales (February 2003)like the symbolic one million was reached at that time. After that it's more complicated ...

I tried to find the more recent sell number, but in vain! By searching the archives of AOM Heaven I found several news including one that stated that the game was still in the top 10 sales in the U.S. in late 2003. Same one year later (late 2004) with the release of the expansion TT (late 2003) which was also still in the list of best sellers.

Wait,evaluation and sell Ventes-aom-septembre-2003
sell of AoM in Usa september 2003

Wait,evaluation and sell Ventes-aom-decembre-2003
december 2003

Wait,evaluation and sell Ventes-aom-fevrier-2004
february 2004

Wait,evaluation and sell Ventes-aom-octobre-2004
october 2004

Several announcements and news reveal information about sales. In May 2001, Gamespot reported the announcement of the purchase of Ensemble Studio by Microsoft Games Studios with an interesting figure:

"Microsoft also revealed that it will publish Ensemble's next real-time strategy game, Age of Mythology, which will feature a new proprietary 3D engine with advanced visual effects. The game will be a branch of the Age of Empires game series, which has sold more than 8 million copies worldwide.

The 11 march 2003 Microsoft announce that AoM has been sell more than one million:

"The gods are smiling upon "Age of Mythology(TM)." Solidifying its position as one of the top PC games, with its tale of might and magic involving legendary Greek, Egyptian and Norse gods, "Age of Mythology" has reached a milestone by selling more than 1 million games worldwide since its release.* The title, developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios, continues to garner critical acclaim and was nominated for the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences' (AIAS) Interactive Achievement Awards as PC Game of the Year and PC Strategy Game of the Year.

"Age of Mythology" is the latest extension of the blockbuster "Age of EmpiresĀ® " series, which has sold more than 11 million units worldwide and won a myriad of industry awards. Interest in the entire collection remains strong, as evidenced by the inclusion of "Age of Empires II: Age of Kings (TM)" on The NPD Group's list of the top 20 best-selling PC games for January 2003, several years after the title's launch.

'Age of Mythology' has joined the 'Age of Empires' sales legacy: All three games in the series have exceeded 1 million units in sales within months of their initial releases," said Stuart Moulder, general manager for PC Games at Microsoft Game Studios. "The worldwide popularity of the entire franchise continues to grow, while the fans' excitement inspires the development team at Ensemble Studios to create more innovative games each year." "

Gamezone report the anouncment of microsoft of the 7 may 2004:

"Microsoft Game Studios and Ensemble Studios today announced that the award-winning Age franchise has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. The Age titles, comprised of the Age of Empires and Age of Mythology series, have been consistently in NPD's top ten sales charts throughout the life of the franchise. According to NPD, Age of Mythology has been a top 10 best-selling PC game title for 26 consecutive weeks, 18 months after its initial ship date."

Last edited by darkrizen on Mon Nov 05, 2012 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wait,evaluation and sell Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wait,evaluation and sell   Wait,evaluation and sell I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 7:25 pm

hmm very interesting. There's millions of copies of aom around the world... and so very few are still used :'(

Thanks skywalker Very Happy keep translating!!! You're the best
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Scorpio Rat
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PostSubject: Re: Wait,evaluation and sell   Wait,evaluation and sell I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 7:26 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Wait,evaluation and sell   Wait,evaluation and sell I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 8:14 pm

Skywalk you're gay! ^^
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Scorpio Rat
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PostSubject: Re: Wait,evaluation and sell   Wait,evaluation and sell I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 19, 2012 8:47 pm

u know i m not! xD
bavo naab
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PostSubject: Re: Wait,evaluation and sell   Wait,evaluation and sell I_icon_minitime

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